Upholstery Cleaning

Mattress Steam Cleaning

This job was carried out at Liverpool

Mattress Steam Clean, Liverpool

Don’t throw away your perfectly good mattress! Consider a professional steam upholstery clean with us first. We can assess the stain and carry out the most appropriate course of action to return your upholstery back to new again.

We were recently called out to this mattress cleaning job after our client’s child had been sick in bed. They did their best to get things cleaned up, but rather than discarding a perfectly good mattress, they decided to engage some professionals to perform a full steam clean to help retore it- and they’re so glad they did. Stains on mattresses are usually quite difficult to remove but on this occasion we managed to treat and remove all stains. Steam cleaning is optimal to help eliminate tough stains and will also help deodorise your mattress.

Aside from those stubborn stains that happen from time to time, it’s not a bad idea to schedule in a regular steam clean on your mattress simply for good health measures. It has been shown that removing dust mites from mattresses considerably helps to reduce the prevalence of eczema, asthma and other allergic responses. Have you ever had your mattress professionally cleaned? You might be surprised at the health benefits it brings you!

This particular job was carried out for our client located in Liverpool which is in Sydney’s South West right by Warwick Farm, Moorebank, Mount Pritchard and Ashcroft, but we can come to your home or commercial property anywhere within greater Sydney. For a free quote on our upholstery cleaning services, give us a call or send us a message today!

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